jxDBCon 0.9z

Package org.sourceforge.jxdbcon.postgresql

The PostgreSQL driver is a complete implementation of both JDBC's and PostgreSQL's features.


Interface Summary
LibPQConstants Constants definition for libpq.
PGConstants PGConstants defines constants derived from various places in the PostgreSQL sources
PGInfoKeys PGInfoKeys defines the keys used in the connection properties specific to the PostgreSQL frontend.
PGProtocol This interface defines the requirements for a protocol implementation that talks to PostgreSQL.

Class Summary
IntConnection This class implements PGConnection via a special Socket connection.
IntProtocol The IntProtocol is used by the IntConnection.
IntProtocol.Response Abstract base class for the messages sent by the backend.
LibConnection This class implements PGConnection via native calls to libPQ.
LibPQ A SCCI wrapper for libpq.
LibProtocol This class implements PGProtocol via native calls to libPQ.
NetConnection This class implements PGConnection via a Socket connection using PostgreSQL's Frontend/Backend network protocol.
NetProtocol The NetProtocol encapsulates the common things of the socket based Backend/Frontend protocols.
NetProtocolV0 The NetProtocolV0 is the protocol implementation for V0.
NetProtocolV1 The PGProtocolV1 is the protocol implementation for V1.
NetProtocolV1.EmptyResponse Abstract base class for empty content responses.
NetProtocolV1.Response Abstract base class for the messages sent by the backend.
NetProtocolV2 The NetProtocolV2 is the protocol implementation for V2.
NetProtocolV2.ReadyForQuery Fetch the ready-for-query response.
NetProtocolV2Async Asynchronous frontend/backend protocol.
NetProtocolV2SSL The NetProtocolV2SSL is the SSL enabled protocol implementation for V2.
NetProtocolV2SSL.SSLResponse Fetch the SSL response.
PGArrayTypes The array types used in the PostgreSQL database system.
PGArrayTypes.PGarray ARRAY of some basetype.
PGArrayTypes.PGoid8 ARRAY of oids.
PGArrayTypes.PGoidvector ARRAY of oids.
PGBlob The PGBlob class implements Blobs.
PGCallableStatement The PGCallableStatement implements CallableStatements with PostgreSQL.
PGConnection The PGConnection class is the abstract superclass for Connections with PostgreSQL.
PGConversionContext A ConversionContext suitable to describe the data returned by the backend.
PGCursorResultSet PGCursorResultSet is a cursor driven ResultSet.
PGDatabaseMetaData PGDatabaseMetaData returns the MetaData specific to PostgreSQL.
PGDatabaseMetaDataV6 PGDatabaseMetaDataV6 returns the MetaData specific to PostgreSQL version 6.
PGDatabaseMetaDataV7 PGDatabaseMetaDataV7 returns the MetaData specific to PostgreSQL version 7.
PGDatabaseMetaDataV71 PGDatabaseMetaDataV71 returns the MetaData specific to PostgreSQL version 7.1
PGDatabaseMetaDataV72 PGDatabaseMetaDataV72 returns the MetaData specific to PostgreSQL version 7.2
PGDataSource The PGDataSource class is an implementation of the DataSource interface for PostgreSQL.
PGDateTimeTypes The date and time types used in the PostgreSQL database system.
PGDateTimeTypes.PGabstime TIMESTAMP type with low precision.
PGDateTimeTypes.PGdate DATE type.
PGDateTimeTypes.PGtime TIME type.
PGDateTimeTypes.PGtimestamp TIMESTAMP (with time zone) for versions prior to 7.2.
PGDateTimeTypes.PGtimestampBase The base class for timestamp implementations.
PGDateTimeTypes.PGtimestamptz TIMESTAMP [WITH TIME ZONE] type as introduced with 7.2.
PGDateTimeTypes.PGtimestampV6 In PG 6.5.3 timestamp is merely a wrapper for abstime.
PGDateTimeTypes.PGtimestampV72 TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE as introduced with 7.2.
PGErrors PGErrors is used to map database error strings to error ids of the driver.
PGEscapeFuncs This class maps the JDBC escape functions to their implementation in PostgreSQL.
PGExceptions .
PGExecResult PGExecResult is used internally to store the complete result of a query.
PGFunc Wrapper for the information needed to identify/call a PostgreSQL function.
PGFuncResult PGFuncResult is used internally to store the result of a function call.
PGNumericTypes The numeric types used in the PostgreSQL database system.
PGNumericTypes.PGfloat4 4 byte single precision floating point value.
PGNumericTypes.PGfloat8 8 byte double precision floating point value.
PGNumericTypes.PGint2 Signed 2 byte 2's complements integer value.
PGNumericTypes.PGint4 Signed 4 byte 2's complements integer value.
PGNumericTypes.PGint8 Signed 8 byte 2's complements integer value.
PGNumericTypes.PGmoney won't work.
PGNumericTypes.PGnumeric NUMERIC type.
PGPlainResultSet PGPlainResultSet extends the AbstractRowsResultSet with PostgreSQL functionality.
PGPreparedStatement PGPreparedStatement implements PreparedStatement.
PGResult PGResult is used internally to store the result of a dialog with PostgreSQL.
PGRowSetRW Only works with a XCachedRowSet due to limitations of the RowSetInternal interface.
PGStatement PGStatement implements Statement
PGStructTypes .
PGStructTypes.PGbox Full support.
PGStructTypes.PGcircle Full support.
PGStructTypes.PGline Not supported by the database.
PGStructTypes.PGlseg Full support.
PGStructTypes.PGpath Does not work for now, several reasons...
PGStructTypes.PGpoint Full support.
PGStructTypes.PGtimetz TIME type with time zone information.
PGTextTypes The text types used in the PostgreSQL database system.
PGTextTypes.PGbpchar CHAR() type.
PGTextTypes.PGchar CHAR(1) type.
PGTextTypes.PGname VARCHAR(32) type.
PGTextTypes.PGtext LONGVARCHAR type.
PGTextTypes.PGvarchar VARCHAR() type.
PGTypes The types used in the PostgreSQL database system.
PGTypes.DefaultParamType The default type for unspecified positional parameters.
PGTypes.PGaclitem Item in an access control list.
PGTypes.PGbit Full support.
PGTypes.PGbool One byte boolean type.
PGTypes.PGoid Unsigned 4 byte 2's complements integer value.
PGTypes.PGvarbit Full support.
PGUtil .

Package org.sourceforge.jxdbcon.postgresql Description

The PostgreSQL driver is a complete implementation of both JDBC's and PostgreSQL's features. The features include:


JDBC features

PostgreSQL features

jxDBCon 0.9z

Copyright © 2001,2002 Keve Müller; see LICENSE file for details.