jxDBCon 0.9z | ||||||||
Interface Summary | |
LibPQConstants | Constants definition for libpq. |
PGConstants | PGConstants defines constants derived from various places in the PostgreSQL sources |
PGInfoKeys | PGInfoKeys defines the keys used in the connection properties specific to the PostgreSQL frontend. |
PGProtocol | This interface defines the requirements for a protocol implementation that talks to PostgreSQL. |
Class Summary | |
IntConnection | This class implements PGConnection via a special Socket connection. |
IntConnection.Server | |
IntProtocol | The IntProtocol is used by the IntConnection. |
IntProtocol.Query | |
IntProtocol.Response | Abstract base class for the messages sent by the backend. |
IntProtocol.Type | |
LibConnection | This class implements PGConnection via native calls to libPQ. |
LibPQ | A SCCI wrapper for libpq. |
LibProtocol | This class implements PGProtocol via native calls to libPQ. |
LibProtocol$1 | |
NetConnection | This class implements PGConnection via a Socket connection using PostgreSQL's Frontend/Backend network protocol. |
NetProtocol | The NetProtocol encapsulates the common things of the socket based Backend/Frontend protocols. |
NetProtocolV0 | The NetProtocolV0 is the protocol implementation for V0. |
NetProtocolV1 | The PGProtocolV1 is the protocol implementation for V1. |
NetProtocolV1.EmptyResponse | Abstract base class for empty content responses. |
NetProtocolV1.Response | Abstract base class for the messages sent by the backend. |
NetProtocolV2 | The NetProtocolV2 is the protocol implementation for V2. |
NetProtocolV2.ReadyForQuery | Fetch the ready-for-query response. |
NetProtocolV2Async | Asynchronous frontend/backend protocol. |
NetProtocolV2SSL | The NetProtocolV2SSL is the SSL enabled protocol implementation for V2. |
NetProtocolV2SSL.SSLResponse | Fetch the SSL response. |
PGArrayTypes | The array types used in the PostgreSQL database system. |
PGArrayTypes.PGarray | ARRAY of some basetype. |
PGArrayTypes.PGoid8 | ARRAY of oids. |
PGArrayTypes.PGoidvector | ARRAY of oids. |
PGBlob | The PGBlob class implements Blobs. |
PGCallableStatement | The PGCallableStatement implements CallableStatements with PostgreSQL. |
PGConnection | The PGConnection class is the abstract superclass for Connections with PostgreSQL. |
PGConnection$1 | |
PGConnection$2 | |
PGConversionContext | A ConversionContext suitable to describe the data returned by the backend. |
PGCursorResultSet | PGCursorResultSet is a cursor driven ResultSet. |
PGDatabaseMetaData | PGDatabaseMetaData returns the MetaData specific to PostgreSQL. |
PGDatabaseMetaData$1 | |
PGDatabaseMetaData$2 | |
PGDatabaseMetaData$3 | |
PGDatabaseMetaData$4 | |
PGDatabaseMetaDataV6 | PGDatabaseMetaDataV6 returns the MetaData specific to PostgreSQL version 6. |
PGDatabaseMetaDataV7 | PGDatabaseMetaDataV7 returns the MetaData specific to PostgreSQL version 7. |
PGDatabaseMetaDataV71 | PGDatabaseMetaDataV71 returns the MetaData specific to PostgreSQL version 7.1 |
PGDatabaseMetaDataV72 | PGDatabaseMetaDataV72 returns the MetaData specific to PostgreSQL version 7.2 |
PGDataSource | The PGDataSource class is an implementation of the DataSource interface for PostgreSQL. |
PGDateTimeTypes | The date and time types used in the PostgreSQL database system. |
PGDateTimeTypes.PGabstime | TIMESTAMP type with low precision. |
PGDateTimeTypes.PGdate | DATE type. |
PGDateTimeTypes.PGtime | TIME type. |
PGDateTimeTypes.PGtimestamp | TIMESTAMP (with time zone) for versions prior to 7.2. |
PGDateTimeTypes.PGtimestampBase | The base class for timestamp implementations. |
PGDateTimeTypes.PGtimestamptz | TIMESTAMP [WITH TIME ZONE] type as introduced with 7.2. |
PGDateTimeTypes.PGtimestampV6 | In PG 6.5.3 timestamp is merely a wrapper for abstime. |
PGDateTimeTypes.PGtimestampV72 | TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE as introduced with 7.2. |
PGErrors | PGErrors is used to map database error strings to error ids of the driver. |
PGErrors$1 | |
PGErrors$2 | |
PGEscapeFuncs | This class maps the JDBC escape functions to their implementation in PostgreSQL. |
PGEscapeFuncs.pgconcat | |
PGEscapeFuncs.pglocate | |
PGExceptions | . |
PGExecResult | PGExecResult is used internally to store the complete result of a query. |
PGFunc | Wrapper for the information needed to identify/call a PostgreSQL function. |
PGFuncResult | PGFuncResult is used internally to store the result of a function call. |
PGNumericTypes | The numeric types used in the PostgreSQL database system. |
PGNumericTypes.PGfloat4 | 4 byte single precision floating point value. |
PGNumericTypes.PGfloat8 | 8 byte double precision floating point value. |
PGNumericTypes.PGint2 | Signed 2 byte 2's complements integer value. |
PGNumericTypes.PGint4 | Signed 4 byte 2's complements integer value. |
PGNumericTypes.PGint8 | Signed 8 byte 2's complements integer value. |
PGNumericTypes.PGmoney | won't work. |
PGNumericTypes.PGnumeric | NUMERIC type. |
PGPlainResultSet | PGPlainResultSet extends the AbstractRowsResultSet with PostgreSQL functionality. |
PGPreparedStatement | PGPreparedStatement implements PreparedStatement. |
PGResult | PGResult is used internally to store the result of a dialog with PostgreSQL. |
PGRowSetRW | Only works with a XCachedRowSet due to limitations of the RowSetInternal interface. |
PGStatement | PGStatement implements Statement |
PGStructTypes | . |
PGStructTypes.PGbox | Full support. |
PGStructTypes.PGcircle | Full support. |
PGStructTypes.PGline | Not supported by the database. |
PGStructTypes.PGlseg | Full support. |
PGStructTypes.PGpath | Does not work for now, several reasons... |
PGStructTypes.PGpoint | Full support. |
PGStructTypes.PGpolygon | |
PGStructTypes.PGstruct | |
PGStructTypes.PGtimetz | TIME type with time zone information. |
PGStructTypes.PGtinterval | |
PGTextTypes | The text types used in the PostgreSQL database system. |
PGTextTypes.PGbpchar | CHAR() type. |
PGTextTypes.PGchar | CHAR(1) type. |
PGTextTypes.PGname | VARCHAR(32) type. |
PGTextTypes.PGtext | LONGVARCHAR type. |
PGTextTypes.PGvarchar | VARCHAR() type. |
PGTypes | The types used in the PostgreSQL database system. |
PGTypes.DefaultParamType | The default type for unspecified positional parameters. |
PGTypes.PGaclitem | Item in an access control list. |
PGTypes.PGbit | Full support. |
PGTypes.PGbool | One byte boolean type. |
PGTypes.PGbytea | LONGVARBINARY type. |
PGTypes.PGmacaddr | |
PGTypes.PGoid | Unsigned 4 byte 2's complements integer value. |
PGTypes.PGunknown | |
PGTypes.PGvarbit | Full support. |
PGTypes$1 | |
PGUtil | . |
The PostgreSQL driver is a complete implementation of both JDBC's and PostgreSQL's features. The features include:
JDBC features
PostgreSQL features
jxDBCon 0.9z | ||||||||