jxDBCon 0.9z

Class PGNumericTypes


public final class PGNumericTypes
extends PGTypes

The numeric types used in the PostgreSQL database system.

$Revision: 1.2 $
Keve Müller, Peter Brant

Nested Class Summary
static class PGNumericTypes.PGfloat4
          4 byte single precision floating point value.
static class PGNumericTypes.PGfloat8
          8 byte double precision floating point value.
static class PGNumericTypes.PGint2
          Signed 2 byte 2's complements integer value.
static class PGNumericTypes.PGint4
          Signed 4 byte 2's complements integer value.
static class PGNumericTypes.PGint8
          Signed 8 byte 2's complements integer value.
static class PGNumericTypes.PGmoney
          won't work.
static class PGNumericTypes.PGnumeric
          NUMERIC type.
Nested classes inherited from class org.sourceforge.jxdbcon.postgresql.PGTypes
PGTypes.DefaultParamType, PGTypes.PGaclitem, PGTypes.PGbit, PGTypes.PGbool, PGTypes.PGbytea, PGTypes.PGmacaddr, PGTypes.PGoid, PGTypes.PGunknown, PGTypes.PGvarbit
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.sourceforge.jxdbcon.postgresql.PGTypes
be, defKnownTypes, le
Constructor Summary
Methods inherited from class org.sourceforge.jxdbcon.postgresql.PGTypes
doEscape, genericGetBytes, genericSetBytes, genericSetNull
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public PGNumericTypes()

jxDBCon 0.9z

Copyright © 2001,2002 Keve Müller; see LICENSE file for details.