Class LibConnection
- All Implemented Interfaces:
- Cloneable, Connection, InfoKeys, PGInfoKeys
- public class LibConnection
- extends PGConnection
This class implements PGConnection via native calls to libPQ.
At runtime it binds to libpq, which must be locatable by the
system's link loader.
The driver currently uses the simple, blocking, functions of libPQ.
- Version:
- $Revision: 1.8 $
- Author:
- Keve Müller
Methods inherited from class org.sourceforge.jxdbcon.postgresql.PGConnection |
close, commit, createStatement, exec, exec, exec, executeBatch, executeSQL, fillPropertyInfo, findFunc, findFunc, findFunc, getAutoCommit, getConversionContext, getEscapeContext, getGeneratedKeys, getMetaData, getProtocol, getResultSet, getResultSet, getTransactionIsolation, getType, getType, getTypeOid, open, prepareCall, prepareStatement, res2Types, rollback, setAutoCommit, setCatalog, setTransactionIsolation, takeOver, toString |
Methods inherited from class org.sourceforge.jxdbcon.AbstractConnection |
clearWarnings, clone, createStatement, createStatement, duplicate, finalize, getCatalog, getHoldability, getInfo, getTypeMap, getWarnings, isClosed, isReadOnly, nativeSQL, prepareCall, prepareCall, prepareStatement, prepareStatement, prepareStatement, prepareStatement, prepareStatement, releaseSavepoint, rollback, setHoldability, setReadOnly, setSavepoint, setSavepoint, setTypeMap |
public LibConnection()
protected PGProtocol connect(Properties uinfo)
throws SQLException
- Open the connection.
This function delegates to LibProtocol.
- Specified by:
in class PGConnection
- See Also:
Copyright © 2001,2002 Keve Müller; see LICENSE file for details.