jxDBCon-Open Source JDBC driver framework

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There are several ways to obtain a copy of the sources. All of them have to perform these four steps.
  1. setting up the Java environment
  2. fetching the prerequisites
  3. fetching the sources for jxUtil
  4. fetching the sources for jxDBCon

This description is now partially obsolete, the sources have been rearranged so you can check them out easily with an IDE like Eclipse.

After obtaining the sources, you need to configure the build process

The environment

  1. Setup your Java TM; environment. The source should work with any Java VM.
  2. Read the documentation section.
  3. Download and install Ant. The Java make tool.

The prerequisites

To successfully compile the sources You need the following prerequisites:

The driver and the tests for it use the following 3rd party software.

The sources

The sources are avaiable via CVS or can be downloaded in source packages. Anybody can read the CVS repository (it can be browsed, too), but for commiting changes you need to be listed as a developer of jxDBCon. Please contact me and I'll add you to the list.

The sources compile with the "modern" compiler from Sun's JDK, the Jikes compiler from IBM and gcj from GNU. They will not compile with the "classic" compiler as distributed with JDK 1.1, please use Jikes instead.

Automagic download

We have created a special "top-level" build file that can perform all the needed steps to fetch a full working copy of the sources. Do the following: The build file will ensure that all prerequisites are present, if not it will get the missing ones. Then it will fetch the sources.
The resulting directory layout will be:
jx directory structure
The stage subdirectory stores the files retrieved from the internet. The neccessary JARs are extracted and placed into the lib directory.

Configuring the automagic download process

The top-level build file is configured by a properties file called .jx.properties. It is searched in the user's home directory. Additionally you may place configuration directives in a JVM version specific properties file, e.g. .jx.properties.1.1 for Java 1.1.

The following keys can be used:
KeyDefault valueMeaning
jxUtil.version0.4The version to use when downloading the source distribution
jxDBCon.version0.9xThe version to use when downloading the source distribution
stage.dirstageThe directory to use as the staging area
cvsuseruser's login nameThe username for developer CVS checkout
prereq.log4j-JARjxUtil/lib/log4j.jarThe location of the log4j package
prereq.junit-JARjxUtil/lib/junit.jarThe location of the JUnit package
prereq.daedalos-JARjxUtil/lib/junitextensions.jarThe location of the Daedalos JUnit extensions
prereq.jsse-DIRjxUtil/lib/The directory of the JSSE files.
prereq.collections-JARjxUtil/lib/collections.jarThe location of the Collections Framework (for Java 1.1)

Manual download

If the above process is too easy for you, then you can try to setup the build environment yourself. All the information is provided as comments in the corresponding build files. It should not be a too hard task for an average developer.

CVS checkouts

To fetch from CVS issue the following:
anonymous CVS
cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.jxutil.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/jxutil co -P jxUtil
cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.jxdbcon.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/jxdbcon co -P jxDBCon
developer CVS
export CVS_RSH=ssh
cvs -z3 -d:ext:developername@cvs.jxutil.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/jxutil co -P jxUtil
cvs -z3 -d:ext:developername@cvs.jxdbcon.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/jxdbcon co -P jxDBCon

Fetching the sources using Eclipse

...still to come...

Fetching the sources using Forte for Java

...still to come...

Configuring the build process

The build files of jxUtil and jxDBCon have several options for tuning the build process. These can be set with a properties file called .jx.properties or additionally in a JVM version specific file, e.g. .jx.properties.1.1 These are the same files that are used when fetching the sources with the toplevel build file.

The following keys can be used:
KeyDefault valueMeaning
cvsuseruser's login nameThe username for developer CVS access
prereq.log4j-JARjxUtil/lib/log4j.jarThe location of the log4j package
prereq.junit-JARjxUtil/lib/junit.jarThe location of the JUnit package
prereq.daedalos-JARjxUtil/lib/junitextensions.jarThe location of the Daedalos JUnit extensions
prereq.jsse-DIRjxUtil/lib/The directory of the JSSE files.
prereq.collections-JARjxUtil/lib/collections.jarThe location of the Collections Framework (for Java 1.1)
build.dirbuildThe path used by the build process
doclink.jdkhttp://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4/docs/apiThe URL to resolve javadoc references to the Java API to
doclink.junithttp://junit.org/junit/javadoc/index.htm/3.7The URL to resolve javadoc references to JUnit to
doclink.log4jhttp://jakarta.apache.org/log4j/docs/apiThe URL to resolve javadoc references to log4j to

Compiling the sources

Once you have set up the environment all you have to do is to run ant in the subdirectories.
	cd jxUtil; ant
	cd ../jxDBCon; ant jar